We invite Success Stories of Indo-Canadians
[post your story in the form below]
in Academics/Business/Philanthropy/Professions/
Private Service/Public Service/Real Estate/Other Pursuits
Indian vs Total Population

Read the book and download
Your Success Story in Canada
Please include all or some of the following information in your story:
- Your background [prior to landing in Canada, plus initial years to settle down]
- Your profession/job/career/business – describe what you do
- Specific challenges and struggles you faced
- Your key accomplishments in Canada and your key success factors
- Your contributions to community and philanthropy
- Contribution of Canada in your success
- Any advice you may want to give to new comers
N. B. You may write your story in any way you like. If you hesitate to write, or worry that you are not a writer, just put your information in point form. We will string your points in the form of a story.
Each story posted here will be editorially reviewed, edited and published under the banner “INDO-CANADIANS WHO MADE IT” on this website.
Who will read these stories? The stories collected here will be read by Indo-Canadian community as well as the various ethnic and other communities in Ottawa and across Canada.